On the Streets 20 Years
How the Lord works! The Lords presence was extremely evident last night on the bus. There were so many things that happened. We will start with Donny. Donny was saved on the bus three weeks ago. He has been sober for 19 days! He has been working at Little Caesars for almost 3 weeks! He is now attending meetings. Someone donated a bike for him yesterday! We were able to see Donny last night when we picked up the pizzas and delivered him the bicycle. We were also joined last night by a woman whom I sat next to on a flight last Friday. Her life has had lots of twists and turns. Long story short..She is an alcoholic. She is a widow. The Lord allowed me to spend two hours with her on the airplane talking about life etc. Next thing we know she shows up to join last night! She told us “I showed up here instead of the bar tonight “. She now has four days of sobriety under her belt! People on the bus were pouring life into her last night! Praying over her! It was so powerful. The Lord is doing a work in her life. I cannot wait for her to share her testimony! We also met up with Michael. Michael had been on the streets for over 20 years. He had been on meth for over 20 years as well. He has lost his relationship with his children. He has lost everything from a worldly standpoint. However, he has now been off the streets and sober for almost 6 months. Extremely powerful! You could usually find Michael at 71st and 169 panhandling. He would be jumping out in front of cars and pacing in the median. He never stopped moving. Usually higher than a kite. Lots of tattoos and no front teeth. He was always moving..Waving his arms etc. He was difficult to miss. However, he is sober now! Extremely powerful! He just stood there talking to us for quite some time about his life. He was so calm. He is very thankful for what the Lord is doing in his life. He now has his own apartment. He has a job! There were many more we met last night. We met a young man who was walking to go help his mother whom had broken down in her vehicle. We were able to give him a ride to where she was at and spend some time with her as well. Very powerful. We were also joined by our Hispanic pastor friend Alfredo. He was able to minister to a gentleman in Spanish. Very powerful. The Lord continues to work every week! HIS Miracles are evident! HE is faithful!