John 3:16 Mission
Last night on the bus was incredible. We were joined by lots of visitors. The Lord continues to send new people to serve with us. The night on the streets started out very slow. They were very few people out and about. However, we did pick up a gentleman at a bus stop. We gave him a ride to the John 3:16 Mission. We were able to spend lots of time with him. He was from Africa. He is working at a local fence company and getting his life back on track. We ended up hanging out on the street next to the mission. There were lots of people who were unable to get into the mission due to cut off times. We were able to feed lots of men. The Lord opened up the door for us to pray with many people in need. The homeless population is very great in the downtown area. We are thankful for the Johnn 3:16 mission and all they do for the community. The Lord continues to send those in need on Thursday nights. This year has been amazing. The Lord has done what only HE can do. HE is in the heart transformation business! HE is faithful! We look forward to seeing what HE will do in the New Year! Bless you !