Turkey Drive 2021 – Incredible
The 2021 Turkey was incredible! Over 500 turkeys were given away! Yet, more importantly so many people were prayed for! We heard heart wrenching stories of what people have experienced in life lately. From the lady who just lost her mother to suicide to another family who just lost their home to a fire. A guy simply approached the bus and wanted to discuss his alcohol problem. His son drank himself to death 3 years ago. He carries that burden on his shoulders. He confessed that he still drinks everyday and sometimes on the job as a heavy Equipment operator. We were able to pray with him. We gave him information to help him navigate through a sober life. Please pray that he attends Celebrare Recovery tonight. The Lord sent so many people who were in need. They were so thankful for a simple Turkey. They were more thankful for someone just taking the time to pray with them. The Lord provided the servants for this outreach event. The Lord provided the funds for the Turkeys! Thankful for all who came out. Thankful for the musicians. Thankful for all the ministries that participated. The Lord knows who you are! Thankful for THE LIVING JESUS, who came to rescue sinners from the dominion of darkness. HE REIGNS! HE gets all the glory for last night! Bless you!