The Lord had a Plan
How the Lord works! Last night on the bus was powerful. We almost immediately picked up a lady on the corner of 11th and Garnett. She was our first passenger. The Lord had a plan. We rarely stop at this QT for anything because it is pretty chaotic over there. Yet, One of our ladies needed to use the rest area. God had a plan! We picked up this lady at the intersection and she came on board the bus. The Lord began to work immediately on her heart. She was out on the street attempting to sell a camera. She has a apartment close by. She began to weep and talk about her life. She is 31 years old. She has two children (2,4). We spent lots of time just consoling her and sharing God’s word with her. She explained how tired she was of living her current life. We explained what NEW life in Christ looks like. She began to Cry again. The Lord was working on her heart. The GOSPEL was given to her. She made the greatest decision of her life last night. She got saved just as Romans 10:9 commands. She called this morning and wants to go to a celebrate recovery meeting as well as church on Sunday. The Lord is moving in her life already ! Please pray for her, her name is Danielle! We met many more last night. We met Brandon who was on the streets along with his sister. They both struggle with drug addiction. He was brutally honest about his life. He had just gotten out of the penitentiary. We also met Amber. Amber has been a drug addict for quite some time. She literally gave birth to a baby three weeks ago and she had to give it to the state due to her addiction. She was very emotional. She feels like she has let her family down. She is searching for hope. Please pray for her as well as many of these others we encountered. We have given all
of them plenty of options. They have our phone number. The Lord rescues from the dominion of darkness. HE SHOWS UP and never will fail you. HE is faithful and mighty to SAVE!