Pour into their Community
Great night on the bus. We had lots of people serving with us last night. We were joined by two people who have never been out with us before. They both have struggled with addiction and want to pour into their community. They were lots of people out on the streets last night. We met a young couple named Anthony and Molly. Molly is pregnant. They both struggle with addiction. They both have lost custody of their children. We were able to minister to them for a little while. However, Molly became very anxious and wanted to get off the bus. They have our information and phone number. Please pray for this couple. There were many more opportunities last night to share TRUE HOPE. The Lord opened up the doors as usual. We met another couple that have been homeless for two years. They have been married 23 years. They both struggle with alcohol addiction. It has taken quite a toll on their bodies. Please pray for them. Please pray for them to place their faith in the ONE who has the power to deliver! Jesus Christ Rescues. JESUS gives new Life! Thankful for all who came out last night deserve with us. Thankful for all who pray for this ministry every week. Thankful for all who donate to this ministry to make this possible. Bless you all!