God Orchestrates
Great night on the bus. We met lots of new faces. There were lots of people on the streets. We had the opportunity to minister to so many people. The Lord sent us a lady with vehicle stuck in the middle of the road. Everyone got out of the bus and pushed her car into a parking lot. The Lord opened The door to pour into many lives last night. We met a gentleman named Troy. Troy is 45 years old. He has been on heroin for the past 15 years. He works for a local tree service. He was literally on his way to go buy heroin. We told him it’s not a coincidence that we met him. God orchestrates events like this for HIS glory. We gave Troy options. Troy made the decision to go get high instead of going with us. It is very unfortunate to watch that happen. Please pray for Troy. Please pray for him to be rescued from the dominion of darkness. He was a very nice guy. He was brutally honest. The Holy Spirit gives Troy (and all of us) the ability to resist the temptation to sin. However, we must become dependent upon HIM. In our own strength and Our free will WE WILL FAIL. It is by HIS GRACE that the breakthrough can come. Troys track record is not good. He has been doing the same thing every day for the past 15 years. Troy must seek the Lord for the breakthrough. Otherwise he will continue to do the same thing expecting a different result. That is the definition of insanity. The Lord Has not left us astray to fight the battle of sin alone. HE Awaits with open arms ready to rescue from the temptation. Please pray for Troy. Please pray for all the other ones we met last night. There are so many people out on the streets with no hope. Please pray that the Lord will do what only he can do and rescue these people. Please pray for them to submit to his perfect will for their life. There is redemption in Christ!