Interesting Night
Last night on the bus as well..interesting. We met lots of new faces. We met a gentleman who was hauling his marijuana plant (in a wheelbarrow) down the road.. He even had a fake plastic rose to maintain a low profile. Lol! We can’t make this stuff up. Then we met a lady named “Anna,” she had recently been involved in a terrible domestic situation. She had a large black eye. She did not say much. She was very thankful for the pizza. She proceeded to go back into the woods after we gave her pizza. Sad. Please pray for her. We met a group of guys at QT who were smoking weed in their truck. We were able to give them pizza and bibles. They were very thankful. We also were able to give multiple people rides home. The Lord provides every week. The Lord seems to have a sense of humor. We see some wild stuff every week. Yet, this week was very interesting. It was a marijuana type of evening. Lol. The Lord always has the perfect plan. HE calls us to bring the Gospel to the people. ALL PEOPLE! We ALL need Jesus. HE makes all things New, including people.. So thankful for all who came out last night. So thankful for all who support this ministry!