Battle in the Mind
Last night on the bus turned out great! The weather was a little iffy, yet it never rained. The Double Decker bus ran great. We met lots of new faces. There were lots of folks who were fed spiritually and physically. Charles, Larry, Amanda, and Ulysses are desperately in need of Jesus intervening in their lives. Please pray for these people to make the decision to follow Jesus wholeheartedly ! One lady asked for specific prayer for the “battle in her mind”. That is a prayer we all desperately need! There is a war in all of our minds. The enemy loves to distract us from this fact. The war between good and evil. The war between following Jesus or following our freshly desires. Following Jesus brings life while following the temporary fizzles out and leads to death. Scripture tells us that the Spirit gives life and our flesh counts for nothing (John 6:63). We must take thoughts captive and make them obedient to Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5). Christ must dominate our mind. He can and will deliver us when evil thoughts come. HE is our rescuer from the Dominion of Darkness. HE is faithful to the ends of the earth. HE has risen! Please pray for all the people we met last night. So thankful for all who came out last night to serve with us. Please pray for the right property that will be used for HIS glory! God is going to do big things in the future! HE is faithful!