Christ Alone
It was a beautiful night on the bus. We met so many new faces on the streets. We met a young lady who wants to go to church this Sunday! Exciting! We will have one of our church partners reach out to her and pick her up. We were able to give a gentleman a ride who has epilepsy. He was extremely thankful for the pizza and ride home. He is a believer in Jesus! We met many others who do not know Jesus personally. Please pray for a guy named (Will) whom we have met in the past. He cannot fathom how he doesn’t have to clean his life up prior to getting saved. We explained thst Christ does the transformation of wicked hearts! We explained that Christ lived a sinless life, died a brutal death, and rose again so that he (Will) could be washed clean from his sin! That’s Grace!! The fact that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us (Romans 5:8). That’s humbling! Christ took all of our baggage, guilts, hurts, hangups, and SIN and hung it on HIMSELF on a Calvary cross. All we have to do is humbly ask Him to be our Lord, admitting that we are eternally separated from HIM, that our sin means we deserve the death that he paid, and that he rose again that we may spend eternity with HIM. We can’t earn it, buy it, merit it, or do anything to be saved. Faith has to meet the road in CHRIST ALONE! HE is mighty to deliver! He delivers on HIS promises 24/7. HE is faithful to the ends of the earth. HE will never be crucified again. HE is alive and well. One day HE is coming back! Are you ready ? If not Cry out to HIM in saving faith (Romans 10:9). Please pray for all of the people we met. Please pray for Will to recognize his need of Jesus! The Lord will give new life! HE has risen! HE is a Miracle worker!