The Assembly Ladies
Great night on the bus. We were joined by some ladies that go to the Assembly in Broken Arrow. They were eager to pour life into the ladies on the streets of Tulsa! The Lord did just that. HE sent plenty of women whom we have not met before. They came aboard and rode with us. They were very thankful for the pizza and prayer. We look forward to building relationships with these ladies in the future. The Lord will Rescue them from the dominion of darkness! We met with Lots of familiar faces last night. Relationships were strengthened! We also met a gentleman having car trouble and we had two Mechanics on board with us. Not a coincidence! It is all about building relationships with people in the community. It takes time to earn their trust. The Lord is the author of relationships, HE left the heavens to dwell with sinners. That’s powerful. Everything we do is for HIS glory. Without him none of this would be possible. Thankful for all the ladies coming out with us last night. Thankful For everyone who donates to make this happen every week. HE reigns! Bless you!