Down Admiral
Last night on the bus was great. We went down Admiral and lots of people were Out. We met a mom and her daughter who were recently evicted. They are staying with a friend. Her daughter was asking for shoes. She was about 6 years old. One of our ladies brought her dog with her on the bus, the little girl and the dog were hanging out. She loved it! Please pray that her mother calls us. She has been sober about 3 months and recently completed a program. We also met up with Tamara, we have met her in the past. She now has arrangements to get her place off the streets! She has been staying in a hotel the past few weeks. She literally was weeping when we prayed for her. The Lord is so faithful! There were many other new faces we met last night. Lots of people were fed physically and more importantly spiritually. The Lord continues to send just the right people in HIS perfect timing. Please pray for these people. The Lord will do a mighty work in their lives. HE is faithful!