Lord, Rescue Them
We had a great night on the bus. We started a little late, yet the Lord showed up like usual. We specifically prayed for the opportunity to see Derrick again. The Lord answers prayer! We found Derrick walking down 11th Street wrapped in a comforter. He came aboard the bud. Please continue to pray for Derrick. We once again had a long discussion again about getting off the drugs. He was quite emotional when talking about how much his grandparents love him. He explained that they have been sending him a minimum of $200 a day for the past 10 years. This equates to $72,800 per year. I cannot stress this enough…Do not give a drug addict money.!! You are paying them to kill themselves! The Lord sent many others for us to minister to last night as well. A gentleman was having some health problems and we were able to give him a ride home. He was extremely thankful. We met many others last night on the streets. The Lord sent us a teenager named Daniel. He is in 10th grade. He is 16 years old. He has been making poor choices. He has been doing very serious criminal activity. He wants to get his life on track to please his mother. We went through the Gospel with him. He now has our phone number. Daniel must make the greatest decision of his life and make Jesus his Lord. Please pray for all that were mentioned as well as the others who we didn’t. The Lord will rescue from them from the dominion a darkness. He is faithful. His word is truth.