Pizza & Winter Coats
Last night was great on the bus. We were joined by the youth group of Arrow Heights. The night started with meeting Brandon. He works at Walmart and lives with his girlfriend in a hotel at 11th and Garnett. He is sober. We were able to give him some pizza and a bible. We also contacted a Pastor in the area so they can pick him up for church Sunday. He was very excited about that. We met another gentleman named Jared. He was on meth. He was brutally honest about his addiction. We went over scriptures with him to help him. He was also given a Bible and our contact information. We are hoping to take him out to lunch next week. There were others who we met on the street as well. They were thankful for the pizza and winter coats. The Lord continues to send people who are in need. Thankful for all who came out last night. Thankful for all who support this ministry. Thankful for the Bible donations!
Thankful for the coats that were donated. Thankful for those who pray without ceasing for this ministry every week. HE REIGNS!