Started Out Slow Then…
Last night was incredible. The night started slow, but ended strong. We met lots of folks on the streets. One gentleman we met was In need of clothing to keep him warm. He was also in need of medical attention on his ankle. Both of these needs were met. He will be getting some orthopedic care for his ankle soon. He was so thankful! We met many others that were thankful for the pizza and prayer. Floyd followed the bus and simply wanted to say hello (We had met him years ago through his younger brother who was walking home from School). He is 19 years old. We have got to know Floyd over the years and big things are happening in his life. He is training to become a plumber. He had his new bride with him. I had the opportunity to marry them recently. They are both recently saved and the Lord is opening many doors for them in life. It is very encouraging to see the Lord moving behind the scenes in so many lives. We are thankful for all of the coat donations and blankets. We are very thankful for the mechanic who serves with us. He is always willing to step up and help when the bus breaks down. We are thankful for all who serve with us every week. We are In need of more bibles! Thank you for all who donate to make this possible every week! HE REIGNS! Bless you!