Overheated but Many Opportunities
Posted in General
Last Night was eventful. The bus decided to overheat very early in the night. Thankfully we have mechanics who serve faithfully with us. We were able to minister to lots of folks at the gas station. We met lots of new faces. We met some very cool teenagers. They were telling us their plans for life (NFL, HVAC tech, and ?). They were thankful for the 2 whole pizzas. There were many others who we had the opportunity to pray with. The night was a success and the bus navigated back to storage without a tow truck! That’s always a plus! Lord willing the bus will be repaired by next week! Thankful for all who came out to serve. Thankful for a living, loving, and merciful Savior! HE rescues from the Dominion of Darkness ! Bless you!