On the Streets Two Days
Great night on the bus last night. We met lots of new faces. We met a gentleman (Mike) who has been on the streets for two days. His house burnt down. He was 60 years old. He had no business being on the streets. We are going to find him better employment as well as get him to his sons house in Coweta. He was very thankful for the pizza and more importantly the prayer. He knows the Lord. There were many more whom we met last night. We met a guy with a very cool skateboard, it was made out of a water ski. He also had a crystal doorknob on the front of that thing. It was a very fast skateboard to say the least. We had the opportunity to pray with so many. There so many people who are hurting. There are so many people who are thankful just to have someone engage in conversation with them. The Lord always sends the right people in his perfect timing. Please pray for Mike as well as all these others we encountered. The Lord will do a mighty work when we depend upon him. Bless you!