What the Lord is Up To
Great night on the bus. We were joined by Mobile Missions out of Sapulpa. The night was pretty slow. There were not many people out on the streets. However, we did have the opportunity to feed some people who were hungry. We met a gentleman named Dennis. He has two months of sobriety. He was in the hospital for almost a month due to his IV drug use. He says that he no longer has a desire to use anymore. We are supposed to meet up with him next week and take him to lunch. He manages a local trailer park. We are looking forward to seeing what the Lord will do in his life. Please pray for him as well as the others we met. The Lord continues to provide people every week to minister to. People are broken. People are hurting. People are in desperate need of HOPE. Thankful to be joined by the Mobile Missions team. Thankful for all who donate. Thankful for Jesus! HE REDEEMS.