Our Last Stop
Last night on the bus was a very slow night. There were very few people out on the streets. That can be a good thing. We encountered a few people though. They were thankful for the pizza and prayer. The night ended earlier than usual. We met a gentleman on our last stop who drove for UPS. There was also a gentleman in this same parking lot asking people for money. We offered a pizza to the UPS guy initially.. and he told us that he would rather have that guy (while pointing at him) have the pizza. Very humbling. The other guy refused the pizza and the UPS man was excited to bring a pizza home. “Even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (Matthew 20:28). Thankful for all who came out to serve last night. Thankful for Jesus and HIS AMAZING GRACE!