Talking about Life
We witnessed the Lord’s glory last night on the bus. There are so many things that transpired. First and foremost Sebastian joined us on the bus. He brought his girlfriend along with one of his friends. They rode with us all evening while we ministered to them. His girlfriend began to cry when we started talking about life. Sebastian is being pursued by Christ. It is very clearly evident. The Lord will do the miracle of salvation soon. We met many more new faces last night. Lots of people were fed spiritually and physically. We ended the evening picking up Mert (whom we met 2 weeks ago) from the Tulsa Welding School. He had his hopes up for a job that did not happen. Yet, the Lord showed up in a mighty way. On our way back we pulled into Little Caesars..and they gave Mert a job on the spot!!! That’s the way God works. One door closes and another opens! HE is faithful. The Lord has blessed Mert in a mighty way in the past 2 weeks. Numerous people have donated on his behalf (a bike, welding tools, clothing, and lots of pre made meals). Thankful for all of you who made that happen. The Lord sees your obedience and will honor it! Thankful for all who are praying for Sebastian. Please continue to pray for him as well as housing for Mert. The Lord will provide. The Lord will do the miracle of Salvation. Only HE can rescue sinners and make us new creations! HE makes all things new!