Please Pray for Salvation
Last night on the bus was incredible. The first person we ministered to was a teenager. He was 14 years old. He has been arrested 2 times already on felony charges. His dad has never been involved in his life. He left when he was a baby. This young man is pretty much raising himself. He was very well spoken. He was extremely honest about his life. He was fixated on us as we shared the Gospel with him. We gave him a bible and lots of pizza. We prayed with him. Please pray for his Salvation! The Lord will change his life completely. He has our phone number. We met many others last night. Darryl came aboard and rode with us for a while. He has been on meth for years. His family has dismissed him from their lives. Darryl claims to know Jesus, yet the stronghold of Sin has a grip on him. Marvin also came aboard with us. His dad had just had a heart attack and he was walking to the hospital to see him. We dropped him off at the finest heart hospital in Oklahoma. The Lord sent many others who were in desperate need of HOPE. Lots of folks were fed and given the word of God. Please pray for all of these people. Please pray for Specifically for this Sebastian (teenager). His life is spiraling out of control at such a young age. Christ is in the reconciliation business. HE is the best father we can have. HE will do the miraculous!