Helping Those with Big Needs
Last night on the bus was great. The weather was beautiful. The bus ran great. The Lord sent all types of people to minister to. We started out the evening with a lady, her daughter and her grandchildren. They were thankful for pizza and prayer. We hit the streets of Tulsa and met lots of new faces. We met a gentleman who is attending Tulsa welding school. All his tools were stolen about 30 minutes before we arrived. He was discouraged. He has been having problems with his financial aid coming through. He told us that he has slept on the streets and still has not missed school. He has been to prison 5 times. He wants to succeed. He was literally in tears as we simply gave him pizza. We are going to work on getting him some more tools. We met another guy named Richard. He works at Jiffy Lube. He has 3 months of sobriety from meth. He was so thankful for his job. He works 60 plus hours a week. He loves Jesus. It was a privilege to have him ride with us for a while. Finally, we met up with some of the homeless people whom we minister to every week. One of them (Dennis) is getting his own place next week! He was excited! The Lord allowed us to Minister to many others last night. The Lord continues to show his Love and Grace to so many on the streets. HE is so faithful! Seek HIM!!! Yes