Last night was very touching. The night began with forgiveness. A gentleman had reached out last week regarding serving with us. He explained that he was recently saved and wanted to get plugged into a outreach ministry. So he comes out and meets our team…One of our team members stared at him (thinking she knows him from somewhere). She then realized it’s the young man who introduced her daughter to drugs years ago. He started crying and asking for forgiveness. She was crying. It what the Lord does. HE restores! It was touching. We then embarked on the journey into the streets. We met so many last night. We met another Satan worshipper on the streets. He rode with us for a while. We also encountered the other one from a few weeks back. He had a friend with him. He wouldn’t allow him to come on the bus. He gave us the hand gesture of devil horns in the air. That’s ok. They know who we worship. Jesus defeated Satan over 2000 years ago. The victory has been won. We will continue to bring light into the darkness. We also met up with the family whose house burned. Someone had reached out to us last week wanting to bless them for Christmas. They were given lots of new stuff. They were overwhelmed. The husband called us late last night to thank us again. He was very emotional. There were lots of other families walking home from the library and store. We were able to feed them and pray for them. The night ended with a older gentleman pulling up to the bus in his vehicle. He just wanted to simply testify of what the Lord has done in his life. He was saved very recently. He was so joyful. He was explained that things happen in God’s timing. 6 months ago he had nothing. The Lord has been rebuilding his life. He prayed over us and gave thanks to the Lord. The Lord is so faithful. HE is mighty to restore. HE makes all things new! Thankful for all who joined us! Thankful to all who donate! Thankful for all who pray for this every week! HE is alive and well!