Getting Some Sleep
Last night on the bus was eventful. We immediately picked up a lady who was homeless. Her cart which contained all of her belongings fit perfectly inside the bus. Her name was Patty, she has been homeless for 17 months. She immediately fell asleep and looked quite comfy with the blankets the ladies provided. She was thankful to rest without worrying about her belongings getting stolen. We then picked up a Satan worshiper! True story! He got on and began to eat pizza. Our guys began to talk about the Lord with him. It didn’t go well. He pulled out his Pentagram from under his shirt and wanted off immediately. That’s ok. He got to see what LIGHT looks like amongst the darkness in this world. He got to ride with us for a mile or so at least. Please pray for this man. Please pray for the blinders that the enemy has on his life, to be removed. Pray for the Gospel to penetrate his heart! The Lord will do it! Thankful for all the opportunities last night. Thankful for all the turkey donations that are coming in! Thankful for JESUS who rescues sinners from the dominion of darkness! Bless you!