Nothing Greater
Is there anything greater than seeing the lost redeemed?! Last night on the bus was amazing! It rained up until we left for the night, then began raining on the way back to storage. He gave us 2.5 hours of great weather for the streets! God had a plan! We picked up the pizza and then immediately picked up a young man walking home. He was a 17 years old senior in high school. His home life has had lots of destruction. Dad is pretty much absent. Mom struggles to make ends meet. He rode with us all evening. He had lots and lots of questions regarding God. The Gospel was explained in depth. People loved on him the whole night. Then at about 8:45 last night this young man made the greatest decision of his life. He placed his faith in Jesus Christ!! He will begin this new journey with discipleship in his life. We are getting him plugged into a small group with multiple teenagers that can pour life into him. The Lord continues to send us people who are desperate for TRUTH in their lives. HE always orchestrates these divine Appointments for HIS GLORY! HE is working in 2 ladies lives right now as well. One is in a program (Inside Out), while the other is in a church program that houses women in recovery. They both have over a month of sobriety! The LORD gets the GlORY for all of this. We just simply show up and proclaim his TRUTH loving people right where they are at in life. HE does the heart changing. HE is in the heart transformation business. HE REIGNS! Bless you!!