Great night last night. We only had a few people serving with us, yet the Lord showed up like usual. We were able to speak truth into teenagers lives along with many adults. We met some Hispanic guys and despite The language barrier they were very appreciative. We able to give them some Spanish Bibles. Lots of people were fed. Lots of physical needs were met. We ended up stopping in front of a taco place, and a couple came out who knew us. He now has 18 months of sobriety, and she has 3 years. Impressive! We were able to spend time with another gentleman name Dennis.. He has been on the streets for a few years. He had a great job where he worked for 18 years. He had a home. He has always struggled financially. He is not a drunk or addict. He had just fallen on hard times and now lives in a non operable van. He has a job where he helps move furniture. He was so positive. He discussed how many people are on the streets who had been living paycheck to paycheck and then something happened and they lost everything. That is a reality for lots of folks in our society. Yet, what stood out the most about Dennis was this. While we were talking a gentleman came up to us trying to hustle us for some money. Dennis offered him the pizza that we had given him. Wow, so humbling! A true servants heart! The Lord is working on so many lives in the Tulsa area. HE always shows HIS glory every week! HE REIGNS!