Divine Appointments
How the Lord works. Last night was incredible. We had many visitors with us. We had visitors with us who speak fluent Spanish. So we hit the streets and we encountered a lot of people. We picked up a young lady who has been homeless for quite some time, and she rode with us all evening. The Lord is working in her life. The weather was beautiful. We met lots of Hispanic folks who were working on a building off 11th St. Our visitors were able to pour life into them speaking their language. That’s how Lord works. We rarely encounter Hispanic people when we are out yet last night we did. The Lord had a plan. He is so faithful. We met many others, from the prostitute to the homeless man. And Lord sends them all.It gets better. We found out last night that Terry has been promoted to assistant manager at Little Caesars. She has been sober now for almost 3 years. She has been living on her own for over two years. The Lord continues to work in her life. It is awesome to see. We worship an amazing God who is about delivering Sinners from self destruction. Thankful for all who came out last night. Thankful for all who support this ministry. Thankful for your prayers every week.