How the Lord Works
How the Lord works! We went out the bus last night and met lots of folks.. Yet, what stood out the most was Joe. We met Joe about three months ago. He was on the streets with frostbite and on the verge of losing his toes. He was in rough shape. He had numerous health issues including being intoxicated. We dropped him off at a local hospital that night and prayed for him. We have wondered what has been going on with him. We have not seen him since.. Until last night. We gave him a ride to the residence he has been staying at with his stepfather.. He has 46 days of sobriety!! He kept saying “one day at a time”. That is how the Lord works. We don’t know what the Lord is doing behind the scene In people’s lives. Yet, we know he is working. HE gives the increase. HE delivers from destruction. We met so many others last night. We met “Geronimo” a full Cherokee Indian. He is a believer and just relocated to Tulsa. We were able to help him in the right direction in regards to a church home in his area. He Is opening up his own mechanic shop. He was very excited. He was very thankful for Pizza and encouragement.. We ended the evening in a apartment complex in a low income area. The people there were very appreciative for Pizza. We were able to minister to them as well. The Lord continues to work every week. He is faithful. Thankful for all who came out last night. Thankful for all who pray for this ministry every week. Thankful for those who give resources every week to this ministry. HE REIGNS!