Hurting & Lonely
Great heart filled night on the bus. There were many new faces we met. So many people are hurting and lonely. Thankful for a loving redeemer who will never leave us or forsake us. Big things are happening with the relationships being built. The Lord is rescuing folks from the Dominion of darkness. Michael should have his own place in 2 weeks, and get full custody of his 2 year old boy who is in foster care. He has been maintaining 40 hours a week at his job. He is paying on debts. We met Rick who was a great guy. He lives alone in his own place. He is 56 years old. He struggles with alcohol and was extremely honest about his life. He wants help and we plan on guiding him to available resources. He was so thankful along with many others. The Lord is at work behind the scenes, HE is so faithful to deliver his promises. Thankful for all who came out last night. Thankful for the young married couple that decided joined us serving people on Valentine’s Day. Thankful for all who pray for this ministry. Thankful for those who donate their time and resources. The Lord is mighty to save!