Full Bus
Incredible night on the bus last night!! We had lots of new servants come out with us. The Lord used everyone in a mighty way. For each person that came on the bus there was someone there to talk with them. A lot of folks rode with us for the whole evening. The weather outside was very cold and these folks were appreciative of the hot heat in the bus. Blessed! We Were able to minister to people that we have met on the street previously. The Lord is doing big things in their lives. Michael is in the process of getting his own place and getting custody of his two-year-old little boy. He has a job at Jiffy Lube now. Yet, what stood out the most was a gentleman named James. We met James about 10 months ago. He had just gotten out of the hospital after being in there for three weeks (hit by a car). Life has had some twists and turns since that time. He has now hit rock bottom. He is tired and weary and needing rest. Lord willing he will be going to a long-term program today!! When we dropped him off last night at his camp (makeshift tent etc) someone had just ransacked all of his belongings. It was very sad. Yet, he knows that his life is getting ready to change for the better. We made some contacts last night and there is a bed available for him at the ranch. Please pray that the interview goes well and he is accepted into the recovery program. The Lord is so faithful. We are thankful for everyone that came out last night. We are thankful for all who continue to pray for this ministry. We are very thankful for all those who donate to this ministry. We are thankful for the Individual last night that paid to fill the bus with fuel as well as paying for all the pizza!! Yes!! That’s how God works! It Is extremely humbling to watch the Lord use sinners to carry out HIS work. Please pray for James and Michael as they continue to trust the Lord with their lives. Pray for the many others we encountered last night. There are so many peoFple in need on the streets of Tulsa. Pray that they would come to the end of themselves and surrender to the one who has the power to save them! The Lord Reigns! Bless you!