Back to the Streets
Last night we hit the streets of Tulsa. It was cold, yet the new Bus is heated! Such a blessing! We met so many out on the streets- Aaron, Robby, Greg, John, and many others. They all have s story. Their life is worth living. Many of these men have been saved, they just struggle with bad habits. Yet, what stood out the most was definitely a gentleman by the name of Ed. He was simply out walking. He has a home and grown children. He came aboard and immediately jumped into action praying for folks less fortunate. It was powerful. He encouraged so many on the streets. He was thankful for the opportunity to serve. The Lord is so faithful. Thankful for all who came out last night. Thankful for the visitors. Thankful for all the donations. Most importantly thankful for those who pray for this ministry. The Lord is on the throne! Bless you!