Month: January 2018

Life Changing Today

Here is some news worth sharing! A summary of life changing events happened today. 1) Floyd confessed Jesus as his Lord today! (He is the brother of Simon who was saved on the bus) 2) After Floyd accepts Christ, I had the opportunity to read the book of John chapter 1 with him. Pretty powerful…

Touching Night

Incredible night. We met a wide variety of folks, carrying different burdens in their life. From the young couple who are homeless, to the guy working multiple jobs to care for his sick wife. The night was simply touching. You truly never know what folks are going through until you invest time in their lives….

Pouring Into People

People often ask what is all about. We are about Pouring life into people, and watching them transform by the power of the Gospel. Whether a millionaire or in poverty, Christ came to rescue both! This picture pretty much sums up what we are about! When people donate to this ministry it goes to…

18 months

Very touching night on the bus. Rhonda, who serves with us has 18 months of sobriety. Her story is quite unique, she had been serving with us every week and at the same time she was hiding her alcohol problem. She made a commitment to get Sober along with Shawn (who was saved back on…

No, I’m Not Homeless

It was a little chilly on the bus last night. We are thankful for generators and large heaters. The Lord sent us a few homeless people and some other folks to minister to. We met a guy named Johnny who has been off meth for 6 weeks. He has 5 daughters. His oldest (29) just…